Okay so as all our long-standing patients know Ying tries to get home to China at least once a year to spend time with her parents. With COVID this has not been possible now for three years, and at long last she is able to return to Xi’an for the Chinese New Year with her family. She is desperate to get going as she has no

t had any time with Parents now for exactly three years.
The Clinic will remain open, and as such I am not able to go to China with her. We have a new team member Gillian Martin who is joining us as Locum Podiatrist for the clinic to deal with disappearing Ying time.
Gillian is a qualified Podiatrist of over three decades who has been working with the NHS since 1991 and with Ying in the NHS for about a decade. She is happily married family woman, and she is obsessed with having fun. Her main hobby in life is looking after her Cats.
Now Gillian will not be available for the full two and a half days a week. So, these are the days the clinic will be open over the next four weeks:
Thursday 19th January (No Appointments available)
Friday 27th January (One Appointment available)
Thursday 2nd February (Seven Appointments available)
Friday 3rd February (No appointments available)
Friday 10th February (One appointment available)
Saturday 11th February – Reflexology (Appointments Available)
As you can see now, we only have nine appointments available over the next four weeks. We do however usually get one or two cancellations or changing days when we send out the reminders to people so it is always useful to check the availability online if you are looking to book.
Ying is back in Scotland on from the week beginning the 12th of February and we will be back to normal opening hours from this week onward.
I have made Ying promise to send some photos of the trip home so will try to get one or two updates of her holiday with family over the next month.
(Practice Manager and Lonely Husband).