We will very soon be opening the new dedicated Podiatry Clinic in Penicuik. This will be several unique positions for the business owned by Ying Peng Podiatrist. It will be the only medical clinic within a major pedestrian footfall area, specifically the St Johns area. The only Podiatrist with a shop sign in such an area. The only such clinic open on multiple days for Podiatry treatment.
It will not be the only Health Clinic in Penicuik of course. There are currently many just excellent Health clinics already established to serve the people of Penicuik.

The most obvious one is the Penicuik Medical Practice. This is directly in front of a with slight squint of the eyes the new clinic. If you stand in the Car Park (oh free of charge for the first two hours when visiting the clinic) and look up the lane towards John Street, you will see the Barbour next door to us and the edge of the clinic itself. This medical practice is also where the NHS Podiatry clinic is. Well, known to Ying as she works part time for the NHS herself in a different area and has colleagues working there that know her.
Oh, and they get wonderful reviews on Google!
Then we have Eastfield Medical Practice and Child Health Clinic. At the same address. In all honesty Podiatry for Children is a specialised area. That is not to say that Ying does not at times treat Children, but generally she will refer them to the NHS. As we are not familiar with the Child Clinic can’t comment apart from the obvious that they are well located to share costs and efficiency.
It is of course interesting that the search did not bring up our Podiatry clinic, but then again, we are not opening till November!
So is a Podiatry Clinic a Medical Clinic, on a strictly definition approach I would say yes. But, also a big no, I do not think they should be described as such as it implies that it is a doctor’s or GP practice. Or at least that is the way the Google algorithms seem to be working, so I think for the moment we will refrain from promoting the term Medical Clinic.
Ying herself does of course have a wider medical background beyond just Podiatry.
From China where she was a Staff Nurse working in an eye clinic. Yes, that’s correct before she got around to feet, she was playing around with eyeballs. Without getting to much into giving a personal history she came to study an arts degree in Scotland via France. Then worked for the NHS in a specialized ward for Dementia cases in Edinburgh. That was when she noticed that feet care in such cases had issues. For example, elderly Alzheimer patients tend to wander and this if course puts additional pressures on elderly people’s feet.
So inspired to follow this thought process and do something about it he returned to university and studied to be a Podiatrist. In her final year whilst doing and tuning her degree into an honors degree she came to work in the now sold to a cosmetic surgeon old clinic at the Square. She however did one thing to repay the people that had effectively led to her becoming a Podiatrist.
She won a research grant from a specialized footwear manufacturer and did a paper on the issues that carers have for such patients as previously described for Alzheimer Patients feet care That was then published in several Podiatrist Magazines.
From there she went independent several years ago doing home visits. A significant number of patients came with her, and she has built up the current practice. Leading to the opening of the Clinic.
Which brings us back to the question of is the Clinic just a clinic or is it a Medical Practice. Well, that may be a larger question that already thought about. The property is extremely large. We are converting the back half into two treatment rooms. Ultimately, we hope to have both rooms fully working. Podiatry being the end game. But to make it a game set and match we plan on hiring the other room out to other medical professionals as time moves along.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this combination of description and history.